Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2016

Safe arrival and a great start into our week

After everyone finally arrived Sunday evening, we met in a bar to start our excursion with some drinks. The next morning we had our first official appointment at the German chamber of commerce. We were very honored that the CEO Mr. Ehmann had the time to introduce us to general topics of business in Hong Kong. Besides the information of the differences between Hong Kong and Mainland China, he explained the structure of the chamber of commerce in general and the foreign chambers in special. All of them have very different functions as supporting german firms based in Hong Kong in various topics  e.g. recruiting. 

Further the German chamber of commerce implemented the German system for a dual apprenticeship. This point was very interesting for us. However, the program is currently mainly used by graduates of the German Swiss International School. Another function of the chamber is organizing events for the member companies. Networking is one of the most important things to do in Hong Kong. In November their event, the Asia-Pacific conference, will take place and Mr. Ehmann told us they invited various speakers for debates. 
This meeting was great to get an initial understanding of the business in Hong Kong and it was a perfect start into our excursion week. Many thanks to Mr. Ehmann and the German chamber of commerce.


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