Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016

HK Invest

After the overwhelming visit at Mearsk we had the opportunity to visit Hong Kong Invest. It is located close to the Lippo Towers -were we already talked with the Hong Kong department of the foreign German Chamber of Commerce - in the Fairmont House Tower. Our group was well received by Mr. Charles Ng, one of three Associate Director-Generals. He presented about one hour to our group about various topics. Some of them were statistical data about Hong Kong, information about the economical background and major infrastructure projects of the city and details about how Hong Kong invest tries to attract and retain foreign investments and in which way they are capable of supporting companies in their expansion.

Some statistical examples are that every resident of Hong Kong owns on average 2,3 smartphones and that Hong Kong has the second fastest internet connections in the world together with extraordinary free WiFi-availability in the town. Some of the largest projects we were hearing about where a bridge from Hong Kong to Macau and a Speed Train connection between Hong Kong and Guangzhou.
After all, this visit and the presentation were one of the best on our trip to this amazing city. It was beyond interesting and gave us many new insights in how this city works.


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